
Physical theatre?

Groucho Teatro's workshops have the aim to suggest possible walks for trasforming the actor's body in an 'expanded body', open for the perception, for receiving the world and prepared for a real (not realistic ) and personal theatrical comunication. These workshops are 'technical workshops'. For the actor the technique is a necessary step for his growth, but it must be associated to a parallel formation. The actor's training has not the aim of developing physical abilities, not of creating virtuous actors. It's not enough to do thousand of things with the body, to spend hours closed in a room with exhaustive exercises, and not training to read dramaturgy, or not connecting with the history and with the evolution of the society. For the actor, the intellectual training makes the artist a being able to understand his own activity, his own opinions related to himself, to his own creation and to the society, in other words, a being able to growth with a critical spirit.



'The actor's training and the principles of the dance of Orixàs' '

workshop for actors and dancers, directed by

 (Groucho Teatro)

The practice of the dance of the Orixàs (ritual dances of African origin, come to Brazil during the slavery) can enrich the training of the actor. Investigating the different qualities of energy that each Orixà, ancestral and naturalistic divinity, possesses and reveals during the ritual of the Candomblé through the body in trance of the filho de santo , it allows to know to fund the nature of the itself actor. That is a work on the archetypes, that allows to ancestrally bathe in his/her own natural energetic potentialities through the use of encoded concrete symbols, individualizing of it and exploring in the substance of it the singleness.
Raffaele Schettino, actor-researcher of Groucho Teatro, has worked with the dance of the Orixàs since 2004, focusing his research on the principles of Theatrical Antropology, following the line of Augusto Omolù (Odin Teatret). Such search, been born in Denmark, it follows his development between Italy and Brazil. In 2005 presents the work-demonstration , about a possible connection between such dance of the Orixàs and the art of actor.

Maximum number of partecipants: 14
Duration: 5 consecutive days, 4 hours per day

For informations and bookings:


'The energies: earth and space'

workshop for actors, directed by (Groucho Teatro)

Maximum number of partecipants: 14
Duration: 5 consecutive days, 4 hours per day

For informations and bookings:


'The vocal action: the inside space and the external space'

workshop for actors, directed by

Raffaele Schettino (Groucho Teatro)


When I speak about 'physical actions' I also intends 'vocal actions': the voice is part of the body, it cannot be treated separately.

The seminar works the voice as body. In first place it develops the physical structure of the voice or the necessary physical structure to activate the musculature, the control of the impulses produced by the energetic training, the construction of the dilated body and the stage presence, the energy's diffusion in the space. From this work we discover the necessary musculature to meet the vocal resonators, the vibratory strength of the voice, our personal voice and the physical dimension of the voice of each actor. Then the possibility to resonate the voice in the inside space and the possibility to resonate in the whole space, individualizing the different qualities of energy of it. During the workshop we will also touch some principles of the use of the harmonics and some polifonic songs.

Maximum number of partecipants: 14
Duration: 5 consecutive days, 4 hours per day

For informations and bookings:


SEMINARI INTENSIVI DI FORMAZIONE DI GROUCHO TEATRO: clicca per vedere le diverse possibilità

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